Sunday, November 9, 2008

Audio Digital

The voice that was heard by you everyday was the analogous wave of this wave came from available atmospheric pressure in and around you, memlalui help of the drum telinga this Eardrum was shaking this vibration was translated by the brain became information, so as you could hear the existence of the voice.

There were many voices that were heard by you, the wave voice in the coast, the chirping voice of birds, the baby's voice, the crying voice, laughter, even your voice personally, and did not forget the musical wave was heard by you from blog this.

The voice that was produced by you when you spoke had the shape of the voice pressure that was produced by vocal cords. When you dismissed the voice, these vocal cords were shaking, caused atmospheric pressure, so as you dismissed the voice.

Now pay attention to your computer, the musical voice from my blog where its come from..? Your computer could only know the signal in the form of digital. The digital form was the tension that was translated in the form of the figure “0” and “1”, that often was mentioned with “bit”. This tension between 5 volt for the figure 1 and 0 volt for the figure 0. The computer could translate the figure 0 and 1 this became the collection bit, so as to become information.

How put this analogous voice so as could be understood by your electronics equipment. Equipment that must be owned by you were Transducer, Transducer was the implement that could use atmospheric pressure in the tension of electronics that could be understood by the implement electronic. The Transducer example was the microphone and speaker. The microphone could change atmospheric pressure into the tension electric, speaker carried out the task of being the reverse.

How the tension electric could be processed to the digital signal?
Soundcard that was had by you had the important role. When you recorded the voice or music inside computer, Soundcard will change the sound wave through audio cable, the microphone or set stereo became the digital data. When the voice was played again, soundcard will change the digital data into the voice that could be heard by us through speaker.

The process of the modification of the sound wave of becoming this digital data was acknowledged as Analogous to Digital Conversion (ADC).
The modification of the digital data became the sound wave was named Digital to Analogous Conversion (DAC).

OK, now how according to you a person of DJ processed the good musical voice and was glad being heard, that the Analogous process to Digital Conversion (ADC)? Or Digital to Analogous Conversion (DAC).
The answer was up to you you.
Enjoy with my music blog

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